Saturday 24 September 2022

A Week in Review

 So what a week this has been. We laid to rest our wonderful Queen. Now I know you will expect me to be a bit of an arse here but fuck that, she was a legend and we were lucky here in the UK to have her. 

Basically, slate any of them, but her..... Fuck no.

Speaking of slating people, let's discuss Andrew for a second. I mean I will not defend him at all for obvious reasons but putting yourself out there when he knows the view toward him, I guess he deserves it so I will not feel any sort of sympathy toward the twisted cunt, but fair play. 

As for others, we can look no further than Harry. I think he would batter anybody who crosses him as that is a sort of ginger way to behave, but again what a lad! Do I like Meghan, well I can't say I trust her one bit, she has fallen out with her own family and it is funny that old H had a wobble once he had sown his little ginger seed in her. There is always 2 sides to a story, and I do not especially believe hers.

Back to the week, and the few days that led to the funeral, there was some attention seeking asswipe in Scotland shouting abuse at Andrew, again as above he does sort of deserve it but at a funeral, his mothers funeral? No! Not the time. It looked like he may have had his teeth kicked in anyway so fuck him, I hope it hurt. 

The Scottish were really impressive! For a bunch of haggis eating, octopus playing, skirt wearing oddballs I must admit they set a high bar. That high bar was dragged well down by Celtic in the football with some huge shit-housery which has made them a hated club not only in Scotland but also many others.... This goes back above the above! If you have a view on something this big, great! You don't have to fucking say it though..... cunts!

Don't worry jocks, because your bar which Celtic lowered was picked up and waved high by the rest of your football clubs, and especially Glasgow Rangers, what fucking legends! 

Then she was down here in Parliament which was a strange place for her to be lying in state, it is a place where people lie often so did not get this one, but everything passed well aside from one fucking nut case trying to attack the coffin to check if she was dead or not? With this intelligence out there, then fuck me we are in trouble! I am not intelligent, but I guess that coffin would be well guarded. Another guy who should have had his teeth kicked in.

The the UK went into meltdown. 2 TV personalities who were there to do some TV stuff got hammered for not queuing for 12 hours.

Putin decided that he would threaten the world with nuclear weapons, we are facing another recession and old people are fucked this winter as they cannot have heating on, but no.... let's get out cocks chopped because Phil and Holly didn't queue.... Sometimes we can be too British! To be honest, anyone who jumps a queue is a fucking nonce. I see it around the world where people do not understand the Great British queue rule! But come on, get over it. Bunch of tardfucks.

She had a good send off, the actual funeral was pretty epic! I won't say anything other than those military folks were fucking incredible. Wow.

So as things now get back to some sort of normal, I will gather more things to find fun at through the week. Sadly this week wasn't one of them. 

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